simpletest v1.0 

 The Simple Development Library regression testing tool 

Project: the Simple Development Library.

Table of contents

1. Overview
2. Usage
3. Examples
4. History
5. Copyright

1. Overview

simpletest checks whether a test package exist for each of the packages to be tested. For each of those, the package is tested and its test results are displayed together with per-test case information as directed by the -v flag. Finally, the statistics of all tested packages and test case results are displayed.

There are three ways to specify which packages to test:

  1. The -d flag specifies to test a package plus those which depend on it.

  2. Supply a list of packages (patterns are honored).

  3. Otherwise, all available packages will be tested.

For all three ways, the -r flag controls which versions of the packages to test.

simpletest is based on the testing framework provided by the SimpleTest package, and does not use the full framework provided by the Simple Development Library so as to keep the number of dependences to a minimum in order to use it for testing the Simple Development Library itself during its development.

But simpletest can be used for testing packages other than those of The Simple Development Library. For this, the package test cases must be exposed when requiring the package named <package>-test where

Keywords: regression, test and package.

2. Usage

simpletest [-v verbosity] [-w width] [-C] [-c criteria] [-p path] [-r requisite] [-A] [-V] (-d package | packages(1:))

simpletest --help

simpletest --version

simpletest --examples

Option Effect
-v, --verbosity VERBOSITY set the verbosity level
-2: no individual tests are displayed
-1: only failed tests are displayed
0: only failed tests are displayed, detailing why (default)
1: only test with distinct major titles are displayed
2: all tests are displayed
3: all tests are displayed, including their expected output, error and return values
4: all tests are displayed, detailing all the flags given to the corresponding test case
-w, --width WIDTH set the width of the output (default 80)
-C, --colorize turns on output colorization (UNIX only)
-c, --criteria CRITERIA set the criteria for which test cases to run
-p, --path PATH adds the given PATH to the list of directories to search for packages
-r, --requisite REQUISITE package version requisite
-A, --argument set run-time argument type checking
-V, --variable set run-time variable type checking
-d, --dependon PACKAGE test that package plus those which depend on it
packages packages to test (patterns are honored)
--help display this help and exit
--version output version information and exit
--examples display some usage examples and exit

3. Examples

4. History

Date Reason
19-feb-1999 Unreleased first version 0.1
23-apr-2000 First public release, version 0.2
10-sep-2001 Second public release, version 0.4
25-sep-2001 Added --path option, version 0.4.1 (
13-feb-2002 The test and package modules versions must match, version 0.4.2
21-apr-2002 Added exit at end to allow running via wish, version 0.4.4
23-apr-2002 Ignore extra packages, version 0.4.5
03-may-2002 Do not stop on package failing to load, version 0.4.6
15-dec-2002 Added verbosity -1, version 0.4.7
17-feb-2003 Third public release, version 0.5
10-feb-2005 Added --requisite option, version 0.5.1
04-apr-2005 Enable SimpleClass -debug option for object packages, version 0.5.2
22-jun-2005 The Simple Development Library version 1.0

5. Copyright

Copyright (C) 1999-2005, Juan C. Gil (