SimpleVariable v1.0 

 The Simple Development Library typed variables handling 

Project: the Simple Development Library.

Table of contents

1. Package description
   1.1 Overview
   1.2 Usage
   1.3 Examples
   1.4 History
   1.5 Copyright
2. Package public API
   2.1 Types
   2.2 Options
      2.2.1 -monitortype
   2.3 Namespaces
   2.4 Commands
      2.4.1 ::Simple::Variable::cget ?-monitortype?
      2.4.2 ::Simple::Variable::configure ?-monitortype extbool?
      2.4.3 ::Simple::Variable::declare variable ?-description string? ?-monitortype extbool? ?-type type? ?-choices any-list? ?-value any?
      2.4.4 ::Simple::Variable::delete variable
      2.4.5 ::Simple::Variable::information access variable
      2.4.6 ::Simple::Variable::information choices variable
      2.4.7 ::Simple::Variable::information default variable
      2.4.8 ::Simple::Variable::information defaultgiven variable
      2.4.9 ::Simple::Variable::information description variable
      2.4.10 ::Simple::Variable::information exists variable
      2.4.11 ::Simple::Variable::information monitortype variable
      2.4.12 ::Simple::Variable::information type variable
   2.5 Errors
      2.5.1 ::Simple::Variable::IS-ARRAY
      2.5.2 ::Simple::Variable::NOT-AN-ARRAY
      2.5.3 ::Simple::Variable::CANT-DELETE
      2.5.4 ::Simple::Variable::BAD-TYPE-BOOLFLAG
      2.5.5 ::Simple::Variable::AT-LEAST-TWO-CHOICES
      2.5.6 ::Simple::Variable::NO-CHOICES-ALLOWED
      2.5.7 ::Simple::Variable::NO-TYPE-CHOICE-VAR
      2.5.8 ::Simple::Variable::NO-DEFAULT-VALUE
      2.5.9 ::Simple::Variable::NO-TYPE-CHOICE-ARRAY
      2.5.10 ::Simple::Variable::MONITORING-ALIAS
3. Package further information
   3.1 Details
   3.2 Remarks
   3.3 Todo
4. Package command details
   4.1 ::Simple::Variable::cget ?-monitortype?
      4.1.1 Command description
      4.1.2 Command public API
   4.2 ::Simple::Variable::configure ?-monitortype extbool?
      4.2.1 Command description
      4.2.2 Command public API
   4.3 ::Simple::Variable::declare variable ?-description string? ?-monitortype extbool? ?-type type? ?-choices any-list? ?-value any?
      4.3.1 Command description Overview
      4.3.2 Command public API
      4.3.3 Command further information Details Remarks
   4.4 ::Simple::Variable::delete variable
      4.4.1 Command description Overview
      4.4.2 Command public API
   4.5 ::Simple::Variable::information access variable
      4.5.1 Command description
      4.5.2 Command public API
   4.6 ::Simple::Variable::information choices variable
      4.6.1 Command description
      4.6.2 Command public API
   4.7 ::Simple::Variable::information default variable
      4.7.1 Command description
      4.7.2 Command public API
      4.7.3 Command further information References
   4.8 ::Simple::Variable::information defaultgiven variable
      4.8.1 Command description
      4.8.2 Command public API
      4.8.3 Command further information References
   4.9 ::Simple::Variable::information description variable
      4.9.1 Command description
      4.9.2 Command public API
   4.10 ::Simple::Variable::information exists variable
      4.10.1 Command description
      4.10.2 Command public API
   4.11 ::Simple::Variable::information monitortype variable
      4.11.1 Command description Overview
      4.11.2 Command public API
      4.11.3 Command further information References
   4.12 ::Simple::Variable::information type variable
      4.12.1 Command description
      4.12.2 Command public API

1. Package description

Synopsis: the Simple Development Library typed variables handling.

Keywords: variable and type.

1.1 Overview

This package allows to handle typed variables. Typed variables not only have a name and a value if initialized, as regular Tcl variables do, but also a type and a description. Typed variables can be used as non-local (namespace or global) Tcl variables. Typed variables can be monitored to ensure their values conform to their type.

Procedures are provided to declare, delete and get information about typed variables.

1.2 Usage

Typed variables are declared via ::Simple::Variable::declare or embedded within programs (declare-program), packages (declare-package) or classes (declare-class). Upon declaration, typed variables can be optionally initialized to a value. The declaration can also specify whether a variable shall be monitored to ensure its values conform to its type. Typed variables can be deleted via ::Simple::Variable::delete. The ::Simple::Variable::information procedure provides several subcommands to query information about typed variables: exists, defaultgiven, default, type, choices, description, access and monitortype.

1.3 Examples

1.4 History

Date Reason
23-apr-2000 First public release, version 0.2
10-sep-2001 Second public release, version 0.4
17-feb-2003 Third public release, version 0.5
30-mar-2003 Extra package, version 0.5.1
09-may-2004 Package renamed to SimpleVariable, version 0.5.2
22-jun-2005 The Simple Development Library version 1.0

1.5 Copyright

Copyright (C) 1999-2005, Juan C. Gil (

2. Package public API

Paradigm: procedural.

Requisites: SimpleType 1.0.

2.1 Types


2.2 Options

2.2.1 -monitortype

Type: boolean.

Value: 0.

Description: whether to monitor the typed variables to ensure their values conform to their types. Notice that only those variables declared via the ::Simple::Variable::declare procedure after modifying this option are affected by the change.

2.3 Namespaces

  1. ::Simple::Variable

  2. ::Simple::Variable::Priv

2.4 Commands

2.4.1 ::Simple::Variable::cget ?-monitortype?

Synopsis: gets the package options.

Details: see section 4.1.

2.4.2 ::Simple::Variable::configure ?-monitortype extbool?

Synopsis: configures the package options.

Details: see section 4.2.

2.4.3 ::Simple::Variable::declare variable ?-description string? ?-monitortype extbool? ?-type type? ?-choices any-list? ?-value any?

Synopsis: declares a typed variable.

Details: see section 4.3.

2.4.4 ::Simple::Variable::delete variable

Synopsis: deletes a typed variable.

Details: see section 4.4.

2.4.5 ::Simple::Variable::information access variable

Synopsis: returns a typed variable access mode.

Details: see section 4.5.

2.4.6 ::Simple::Variable::information choices variable

Synopsis: returns a typed variable choices.

Details: see section 4.6.

2.4.7 ::Simple::Variable::information default variable

Synopsis: returns a typed variable default value.

Details: see section 4.7.

2.4.8 ::Simple::Variable::information defaultgiven variable

Synopsis: returns whether a typed variable has a default value.

Details: see section 4.8.

2.4.9 ::Simple::Variable::information description variable

Synopsis: returns a typed variable description.

Details: see section 4.9.

2.4.10 ::Simple::Variable::information exists variable

Synopsis: returns whether a typed variable exists.

Details: see section 4.10.

2.4.11 ::Simple::Variable::information monitortype variable

Synopsis: returns whether a typed variable is being monitored.

Details: see section 4.11.

2.4.12 ::Simple::Variable::information type variable

Synopsis: returns a typed variable type.

Details: see section 4.12.

2.5 Errors

2.5.1 ::Simple::Variable::IS-ARRAY

Message: variable "name" is array.

Explanation: non-array variable name could not be declared because it already exists and is an array.

Corrective action: delete the existing array.

2.5.2 ::Simple::Variable::NOT-AN-ARRAY

Message: variable "name" isn't array.

Explanation: array name could not be declared because it already exists and is not an array.

Corrective action: delete the existing non-array variable.

2.5.3 ::Simple::Variable::CANT-DELETE

Message: can't delete "name": no such variable.

Explanation: variable name could not be deleted because it does not exist.

2.5.4 ::Simple::Variable::BAD-TYPE-BOOLFLAG

Message: invalid type "boolflag" for non-flag "name".

Explanation: non-flag name type is "boolflag", but this type is only valid for flags.

Corrective action: either convert the variable or argument to a flag or modify its type.

2.5.5 ::Simple::Variable::AT-LEAST-TWO-CHOICES

Message: variable, array element or argument "name" requires at least two choices.

Explanation: variable, array element or argument name is of type "choice" or derived from it, but less than two choices were supplied.

Corrective action: supply at least two choices.

2.5.6 ::Simple::Variable::NO-CHOICES-ALLOWED

Message: no choices allowed for variable, array element or argument "name" of type "type".

Explanation: variable, array element or argument name is of type type, which is not "choice" nor derived from it, and so it does not allow the specification of choices.

2.5.7 ::Simple::Variable::NO-TYPE-CHOICE-VAR

Message: variable "name" is not of type "choice" nor "choice-list".

Explanation: the typed variable name type is not "choice" nor "choice-list".

2.5.8 ::Simple::Variable::NO-DEFAULT-VALUE

Message: variable, [incr Tk] option, argument or option "name" has no default value.

Explanation: the typed variable, [incr Tk] option, argument or option name has no default value as it was not given in its declaration.

2.5.9 ::Simple::Variable::NO-TYPE-CHOICE-ARRAY

Message: array "name" is not of type "choice-array" nor "choice-list-array".

Explanation: the typed array name type is not "choice-array" nor "choice-list-array".

2.5.10 ::Simple::Variable::MONITORING-ALIAS

Message: type monitoring for aliased variable.

Explanation: the procedure which monitors the typed variables to ensure their values conform to their types was called for a posibly correct typed variable but aliased through the use of the upvar or global commands. Due to a Tcl limitation it is then impossible to access the name of the original typed variable, and so its type, so the monitorng procedure can not proceed.

Corrective action: either deactivate the variable type monitoring or use no alias.

3. Package further information

3.1 Details

0 variable type
1 variable choices (empty if type is not "choice" or derived from it)
2 variable description
3 variable access mode
4 whether the variable has a default (initial) value
5 variable default (initial) value

3.2 Remarks

3.3 Todo

4. Package command details

4.1 ::Simple::Variable::cget ?-monitortype?

4.1.1 Command description

Synopsis: gets the package options.

Access mode: public.

4.1.2 Command public API


Argument Type Default value/ choices Description
-monitortype boolflag (n/a) Gets whether to monitor the typed variables to ensure their values conform to their types

Returns: the requested option value or the whole list of options if none specified.

4.2 ::Simple::Variable::configure ?-monitortype extbool?

4.2.1 Command description

Synopsis: configures the package options.

Access mode: public.

4.2.2 Command public API


Argument Type Default value/ choices Description
?-monitortype? extbool false Whether to monitor the typed variables to ensure their values conform to their types

Returns: the empty string.

4.3 ::Simple::Variable::declare variable ?-description string? ?-monitortype extbool? ?-type type? ?-choices any-list? ?-value any?

4.3.1 Command description

Synopsis: declares a typed variable.

Access mode: public. Overview

This procedure declares a non-local (namespace or global) typed variable or array and optionally assign a value to it.

If -type is given, the variable type is set to its parameter, otherwise the variable type is set to any.

When the variable type is choice or derived from it, -choices is required.

Use -value to initialize the typed variable to a value. This actually creates the variable.

The -monitortype flag allows to override the package option of the same name for the varible being declared. This option controls whether the variable will be monitored to ensure its values conform to its type. An error is thrown if a variable being monitored is set to a value which does not conform to its type, but the variable still contains the non-conforming value.

4.3.2 Command public API


Argument Type Default value/ choices Description
variable variablename (n/a) Variable name
?-description? string (empty string) Variable description
?-monitortype? extbool false Whether to enable run-time type monitoring
?-type? type any Variable type
?-choices? any-list (empty string) List of choices for choice type and its derivations
?-value? any (n/a) Variable value

Returns: the empty string.

4.3.3 Command further information Details

The type monitoring is achieved by setting a write trace on the variable via the trace procedure with the ::Simple::Variable::Priv::trace-monitor as handler procedure. This write trace is only set for monitored variables. Remarks

4.4 ::Simple::Variable::delete variable

4.4.1 Command description

Synopsis: deletes a typed variable.

Access mode: public. Overview

This procedure deletes a typed variable declared via the ::Simple::Variable::declare procedure.

4.4.2 Command public API


Argument Type Default value/ choices Description
variable variablename (n/a) Variable name

Returns: the empty string.

4.5 ::Simple::Variable::information access variable

4.5.1 Command description

Synopsis: returns a typed variable access mode.

Access mode: public.

4.5.2 Command public API


Argument Type Default value/ choices Description
variable variablename (n/a) Variable name

Returns: the typed variable access mode.

4.6 ::Simple::Variable::information choices variable

4.6.1 Command description

Synopsis: returns a typed variable choices.

Access mode: public.

4.6.2 Command public API


Argument Type Default value/ choices Description
variable variablename (n/a) Variable name

Returns: the typed variable choices.

4.7 ::Simple::Variable::information default variable

4.7.1 Command description

Synopsis: returns a typed variable default value.

Access mode: public.

4.7.2 Command public API


Argument Type Default value/ choices Description
variable variablename (n/a) Variable name

Returns: the typed variable default value.

4.7.3 Command further information References

4.8 ::Simple::Variable::information defaultgiven variable

4.8.1 Command description

Synopsis: returns whether a typed variable has a default value.

Access mode: public.

4.8.2 Command public API


Argument Type Default value/ choices Description
variable variablename (n/a) Variable name

Returns: whether the typed variable has a default value.

4.8.3 Command further information References

4.9 ::Simple::Variable::information description variable

4.9.1 Command description

Synopsis: returns a typed variable description.

Access mode: public.

4.9.2 Command public API


Argument Type Default value/ choices Description
variable variablename (n/a) Variable name

Returns: the typed variable description.

4.10 ::Simple::Variable::information exists variable

4.10.1 Command description

Synopsis: returns whether a typed variable exists.

Access mode: public.

4.10.2 Command public API


Argument Type Default value/ choices Description
variable variablename (n/a) Variable name

Returns: whether the typed variable exists.

4.11 ::Simple::Variable::information monitortype variable

4.11.1 Command description

Synopsis: returns whether a typed variable is being monitored.

Access mode: public. Overview

This procedure returns whether a typed variable is being monitored to ensure its values conform to its type.

4.11.2 Command public API


Argument Type Default value/ choices Description
variable variablename (n/a) Variable name

Returns: whether the typed variable is being monitored.

4.11.3 Command further information References

4.12 ::Simple::Variable::information type variable

4.12.1 Command description

Synopsis: returns a typed variable type.

Access mode: public.

4.12.2 Command public API


Argument Type Default value/ choices Description
variable variablename (n/a) Variable name

Returns: the typed variable type.